Guide to Hair Transplants for Women

Guide to Hair Transplants for Women.............

When we think of baldness, we usually think only of men. Unfortunately, this is a problem that affects women, although it is more common in men. If you are a women who experience hair loss is in a situation where the hair will not grow again are on your own, you need a guide to hair transplantation in women.

Guide to hair transplants for women guide for hair transplant for women
Are you a good candidate for a hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is usually performed only for male hair loss. Women, certainly not about hair loss. In women, however, you are a candidate for hair transplantation, where the cause of hair loss, androgenic alopecia, hair loss is caused by cosmetic surgery, scarring alopecia, or traction alopecia. You are also a candidate, if your hair loss is caused by some kind of trauma or accident.

Your doctor should be able to determine the cause of your hair loss with simple tests, and he or she should also be able to tell you whether you are a good candidate for hair transplantation. The cause of hair loss, but should be addressed before hair transplant occurs, or you could end up spending thousands of dollars only to experience the same problem in the future.
What is the cost of hair transplants for women?

The cost of hair transplantation for women is the same as for men. Typically you will be provided by the graft charge, and every transplant is cost anywhere from $ 3 to $ 8 In almost all cases, women have less to pay for hair transplants because the areas where hair loss occurred less, need less to the success of transplants.
Can hair loss be reversed with a transplant?

In some cases the problem can be reversed, but in other cases you may not get the results you want. In other words, the bald area in. be only partially filled it important for you to talk to your doctor about the results you expect is that the results are possible, and the results that he or she offers hair transplant received, so that you can determine whether the money and the effort is worth it or not. Some women find that these are not the expected results be worth the money, and they can choose to wear a wig instead.